Postal services
Send and receive parcels from all over the world in Ukraine and the other way round, order delivery of postal items even to the most remote parts of Ukraine.
Choose the delivery that works best for you in terms of shipping speed and cost.
Start a successful international business!
Sell goods abroad via the Internet
— we are trusted by 25 thousand entrepreneurs
Find the post code
Post code is a 5-digit code that helps to speed up the sorting and delivery of items. All Ukrposhta offices and all settlements of Ukraine have a post code.

Філбюлетень "15 окрема бригада артилерійської розвідки "Чорний ліс"
11.02.2025 відбудеться погашення штемпелем спеціальним поштовим «15 окрема бригада артилерійської розвідки «Чорний ліс». Київ, 01001»

Ukrposhta gets faster: 100% of parcels will be processed on automated lines
Ukrposhta has fully completed the automation of its sorting facilities. From now on, 100% of parcels across the country will be processed on automated lines. It will ensure a technological breakthrough in processing speed and delivery efficiency.