(Per one euro pallet, 0,8 × 1,2 m), UAH2, 3, 4, 5, 6
excluding VAT
including VAT
Zone 0
Zone 1
1 333,33
1 600,00
Zone 2
1 583,33
1 900,00
Zone 3
1 875,00
2 250,00
Additional services
Address collection or delivery (for one pallet)
Palletising with a pallet
Pallet packaging
If the item is bulky or the area of the pallet base differs from the European standard (0.8 × 1.2 m, up to 0.99 m2), the tariff shall be adjusted by multiplying by a coefficient:
Bulky shipment or pallet base area
1,0 × 1,2 м
1,2 × 1,2 м
до 1,49 м2
до 2 м2
Maximum weight
30 кг
600 кг
Tariff adjustment coefficient
For storage of item exceeding 5 calendar days* (per day)
*at the request of the addressee (recipient), the day of delivery of the item is not taken into account
For the assessment of the shipment in the amount of more than UAH 500
0.5% of the total amount of the declared value
1. Division of settlements into tariff zones is made in accordance with Appendix 1.
2. For redelivery or delivery in a different direction the sender (addressee) shall be charged additionally, according to the tariffs (settlements: “zone 0”, “zone 1”, “zone 2”, “zone 3”, “the addressed pick-up or addressed delivery services”, “if the item is bulky or the pallet base area differs from the European standard”). If the item has not been delivered and the sender or addressee wishes to change the delivery address within the regional centre, Kyiv, no additional charges shall apply. If the item is returned, the sender shall be charged in accordance with the tariffs (settlements “zone 0”, “zone 1”, “zone 2”, “zone 3”, "if the item is bulky or the pallet base area differs from the European standard”).
3. Upon the decision of the Tariff Committee of JSC “Ukrposhta”, based on the submission of a relevant direction of JSC “Ukrposhta” (with reasoning and justification of economic feasibility), a business entity for a certain period may get a reduced tariff for the service in the amount not lower than its marginal cost price. The minimum period for which the discount can be provided is one quarter from the date of signing the contract.
Business entities which use at the same time the service “Delivery of bulky or heavy items” and “Ukrposhta Express” shall be set a reduced level of tariffs determined by the current Procedure for setting the reduced level of tariffs for the service of item delivery “Ukrposhta Express” for business entities.
4. Loading and unloading of the vehicle at the customer’s premises shall be carried out by the customer.
5. Items may be addressed to other settlements than those defined in Appendix 1, in agreement with the Logistics Network Management Department and the Economy Department.
6. If bulky or heavy items are delivered to/from settlements where military operations are in progress, the cost of delivery of such items shall be determined by applying a coefficient of 1.5, for the duration of martial law imposed by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/2022 of 24/02/2022, approved by Law No. 2102-IX of 24/02/2022 (with amendments).
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