E-Export School Workshops and Speakers 2018-2020

Myhailo Deineha
Country Manager Payoneer in Ukraine

Maksym Melnyk
Head of Sales Department of Satu.kz (EVO.company)

Inna Yarova
Founder and development director of PROMOBILL

Yevhen Sozanskyi
Has a huge experience of sales in the markets of the US, Canada and Europe

Dmytro Hilhur
Founder of VimesVC

Olena Zhihir
Author and presenter of the DS & OA Basics course at the Amazon

Iryna Drobiazko
Chief Accountant of Jeunesse Global

Alla Katrenko
Coordinator of the UGEARS company

Anastasiia Zubchyk
Manager of foreign trade activities of the UGEARS company

Khrystyna Karamazina
Head of PrivatBank e-commerce projects

Andrii Horin
The representative of Western Bid in Ukraine

Kostiantyn Myska
Development Director at LALAFO

Volodymyr Kuksin
Project Promotion Specialist on Kickstarter and Indiegogo

Lola Mamadzhanova
The head of Kasta Production

Mykhailo Kuznietsov
Businessman with MBA education

Maksym Hopanchuk
Businessman with MBA education

Kateryna Ushakova
Experienced marketer and manager

Artem Zabolotnyi
Successful businessman at Etsy
Schedule of online meetings

Shopify Start
Yevhen Sozanskyi
- Shopify. Briefly about the trading platform.
- Registration of the seller.
- Configuring modules “delivery” and “payment”.
- Creating listings, tagging, first sales.
- Shopify integration with Amazon, Facebook, Pinterest.

Etsy Start
Kateryna Vitkovska
- Etsy. Briefly about the trading platform.
- Registration of the account.
- Configuring modules “delivery” and “payment”.
- Create sales policy.Creating listings tagging.
- Promotion of goods on Etsy: the first steps.

Ebay Start
Oleh Bilonohyi
- Register a seller on eBay. Useful functionality.
- Create a listing. Automate, create and track listings.
- Features of customer service. Returns policy. Communication with the seller within the open case and without it.
- Top services to optimize customer service. Work with reviews.
- Promotion of goods on eBay: the first steps.
- What is Amazon and why is it?
- Register a seller on Amazon.
- Categories, Listings, Bestsellers. Useful functionality.
- What is FBA/FBM?
- Promotion of goods on Amazon: the first steps.
- How to start working with Polish e-commerce. The specifics of the market and the consumer.The main platforms of Poland, their features and advantages (Allegro.pl, olx.pl etc.).
- Formats of work with the main Polish platforms.
- How to turn marketplaces into a full-fledged business platform for their products and develop business in Polish e-commerce.
- How does the British e-commerce.
- Portrait of a British consumer. Key players.
- Amazon.uk: Specific of the platform.
- Choosing a platform.
- Features of work on Kickstarter.
- Features of work on Indiegogo.
- Marketing project support: working on the platform and generating external traffic.
- Features of a legally financial model.
- Market features: Total information.
- Trends of consumption of goods through the Internet.
- The specifics of on-line commerce in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan.
- Key trading platforms for placing products for sale.
- Features of payment.
- Recommendations promotion.
- Features of the work of payment instruments: Payoneer, Western Bid, PrivatBank (Internet acquiring and LiqPay).
- Commission fee amount.
- Terms of connection.
- Principles of currency regulation.

Etsy. Promotion channels
Oleksandr Radych
- What exactly do buyers expect from the seller, why do they go to Etsy? Three key areas of shopping.
- How can a competent seller move from simple trading to building the sales channels and his audience?
- How to work with customer data and make important decisions regarding the future development of your store?
- Data analysis is available tools for hand-made masters.Email distribution: services and principles.
- Audiences in social networks: how to convert it to additional traffic on Etsy, how to create a group that spins itself.
- From Etsy to an independent site: payment settings, lead collection and the like. Communications and Campaigns what tools are available to sellers for sales, “heating” uncertain buyers and etc.

How to take 100 correct photos for Amazon for 2:00 and 25 dollars?
Lola Mamadzhanova
- Review of photo requirements for the largest Internet sites in the world: Amazon, Etsy, Ebay.
- 20 life hacks on making photo which will sell: everything from a good angle to retouching.
- Real master class from Kasta.ua: full cycle of preparing mass content for the on-line store.

E-commerce with Arab countries, marketplaces and their mentality
Bohdan Diatlenko
- Why precisely the Arabian Peninsula?
- Where to begin from? What marketplaces are there?
- What is the volume of e-commerce on the peninsula?
- What difficulties arise when working with Arabs?
- SOUQ as a traffic source. Warehouses and logistics in the country.Listings, optimization, promotion inside the marketplace.
- Paid traffic and real sales.
- Experience and ideas for the near future.

Kickstarter sales
Volodymyr Kuksin
- Which platform to choose Kickstarter or Indiegogo?
- Experience of Ukrainian projects on Kickstarter.
- Build project strategies.
- How to calculate the costs.
- What criteria should a product have in order for buyers to like it? What should be done to make media talk about the product?
- Common mistakes at start-up.
- Why US and marketplaces?
- Models of work.
- Copywriting for listing.
- Searching for keywords on AMZ.ONE.
- Register a brand in the United States.
- Marketing CIRCLE Technique.
- New products from Westernbid.Updates and new features in your Westernbid account.
- How to protect yourself from marketplace fraud: three practical tips with consideration of cases from WB.
- New services from Business Pump, how to sell on Etsy without having your product and production.
- Ukrposhta contact center support, delivery confirmation, compensation within the framework of the postal services provision.
- How to get a patent for your products in Ukraine and abroad: prices, terms, types of patents.

Ebay: promotion on the world online auction
Oleh Bilonohyi
- Seller Hub: useful tools and recommendations.
- Promotional tools on eBay: internal and external.
- Affiliate Promo: opportunities and their effectiveness.