Address post orders


Tariffs can be viewed here .

Terms of transmission

The time required to transmit an address transfer depends on type of the post office that serves the user:

  • address transfer between fixed postal offices will be available for payment out no later than the next business day after the day when the sender actually submitted the payment instruction to the post office (the financial services outlet);
  • if the address transfer was initiated and/or shall be paid out in a traveling mobile post office it will be available for payment out no later than in seven business days after the day the sender actually submitted the payment instruction to the post office (the financial services outlet).

How to send a transfer?

  1. Come to the nearest post office.
  2. Inform the post office counter officer the following:
    • full name (surname, name and patronymic) of the recipient;
    • for address transfer - the address of the transfer delivery to the recipient (zip code, settlement, street, house, apartment);
    • for express transfer (over UAH 50 000) - zip code and settlement;
    • the recipient's mobile phone number, to which an SMS message about the transfer and the transfer control number (TCN) will be sent;
    • full name (surname, name and patronymic) of the sender;
    • when ordering the additional service “Certificate of the transfer payment” - the sender's address of residence (zip code, settlement, street, house, apartment). The sender's address must be within the service area of the post office where the transfer is sent;
    • the sender's mobile phone number to which the SMS message about the transfer payout will be sent;
    • written notice to the recipient.
  3. Check the information and sign the printed payment instruction, hand it over to the counter officer together with cash to send the transfer.
  4. Get a receipt for the payment instruction signed by the counter officer, a fiscal check and the rest of the cash.

What information / actions/ documents are required to perform a payment transaction?

Service Amount, UAH Documents
Acceptance of transfers from UAH 5000 up to UAH 30,000 original identity document or copies of e-passport / foreign e-passport with the application Diia (in case of making an postal transfer in an automated branch of Ukrposhta)
from UAH 30,000 up to UAH 40,000
  • original identity document or copies of e-passport / foreign e-passport with the application Diia (in case of making an postal transfer in an automated branch of Ukrposhta);
  • original of registration number of taxpayer’s record card or a page of Ukrainian passport with a mark of refusal to accept the registration number of taxpayer’s record card;
  • a filled-in customer questionnaire provided by the employee of Ukrposhta
Payment of transfers up to UAH 30,000 original identity document or copies of e-passport / foreign e-passport with the application Diia (in case of making an postal transfer in an automated branch of Ukrposhta)
from UAH 30,000
  • original identity document or copies of e-passport / foreign e-passport with the application Diia (in case of making an postal transfer in an automated branch of Ukrposhta);
  • original of registration number of taxpayer’s record card or a page of Ukrainian passport with a mark of refusal to accept the registration number of taxpayer’s record card;
  • a filled-in customer questionnaire provided by the employee of Ukrposhta


How to get a transfer?

Address transfers are paid out at the location of the recipient, whose address is specified in the payment instruction. If it is not possible to pay the amount of the payment transaction to the recipient at the specified mailing address, the recipient is invited to contact the post office serving his/her address to receive the amount of the transfer. Please inform the post office counter officer the recipient's mobile phone number or the transfer control number received in an SMS message or provided by the transfer sender. The payment is made personally to the recipient or by power of attorney drawn up in the manner prescribed by law.